Don’t Be Fooled by These Confusing Terms You See on Trading Websites

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It seems that recently online trading sites are desperately searching for new clients and that some of these brokers will stop at nothing to try and get you to sign up. Since a substantial amount of these ‘trading service providers’ are crooks who just want to take your money and vanish, you can guess that these people are going to use some very unethical tactics in the process.

One thing you may have noticed is that these websites use a lot of terms that the average person is not very familiar with, and that is definitely not done unintentionally. A lot of times, they will also try to give you an explanation, but you can be sure that they are misleading you. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the most common phrases they use, so you can get a real explanation of what they mean. Many traders make the mistake of purchasing low-priced options without fully comprehending the dangers they are taking on. A low-cost option is one that has a low total cost of ownership. The true value, on the other hand, is frequently overlooked. These traders are conflating a low-priced option with a low-cost option, which is incorrect. The term “low-priced option” refers to an option that trades at a low price in relation to its underlying asset’s fundamentals. It is undervalued rather than simply being inexpensive. In contrast to investing in cheap stocks, purchasing inexpensive options is a different proposition. The former is more dangerous than the latter.

broker on laptop


This is the act of magnifying your investment without actually needing the money to do it. Well, at least that’s how the broker is going to present it. They’re going to tell you that you can ‘borrow’ money to place an investment. That way, for example, you can put $100 on a stock by only depositing $1 on trade (and the leverage is accordingly 1:100). This, they will tell you, is a great way to enhance profit.

What they won’t tell you is that it’s also a great way to enhance losses – and there’s a reason they don’t tell you that. They give different leverage levels on different assets, and there’s a reason for that as well. Assets with low-profit probability will usually be leveraged higher, so your losses increase. The ‘safer’ assets will be leveraged lower – or not leveraged at all.


Cost for difference (CFD) is a trading method very common with these online brokers. What this means, basically, is that you don’t need to own an asset but rather to bet on its value. This may seem ideal because it saves the bureaucracy, for example, of buying a stock or a crypto coin. It also allows you to trade with leverage since you’re not really buying anything. Again, you won’t be told about the lack of supervision on CFD trading, which is illegal in many countries across the world. When you’re not really buying anything, the only one who sets the rules is the broker, which in this sense acts just like a casino and not a trading institution. That leaves a whole lot of room for different CFD trading scams, such as surprise fees or fake rates. A contract for differences (CFD) is a financial contract that compensates the parties for the differences in the settlement price between the trades that are open and those that are closed.

CFDs, which are essentially contracts for difference, allow investors to trade the direction of securities in the very short term. They are particularly popular in the forex and commodities markets. CFDs are cash-settled, but they typically allow for substantial margin trading, requiring investors to put only a small portion of the contract’s notional payoff on the line. CFDs (contracts for difference) allow traders to speculate on the price movement of securities and derivatives. Derivatives are financial investments that are derived from the performance of an underlying asset (the underlying asset). In essence, CFDs are used by investors to place price bets on whether the price of an underlying asset or security will rise or fall in the short or long term.

piggy bank cfd

CFD traders can place bets on whether the price will rise or fall. Traders who anticipate an upward movement in the price will buy the CFD, whereas those who anticipate a downward movement in the price will sell an opening position in the CFD. If the price of the asset on which the CFD is based increases, the buyer will offer their holding for sale. The total of the net differences between the purchase price and the sale price is the total of the net differences. The net difference between the two trades, which represents the gain or loss from the trades, is settled through the investor’s broker-dealer account.

In contrast, if a trader believes that the price of a security will fall, they can open a sell position. If they want to close the position, they must buy an offsetting trade first. Once again, the cash settlement of the net difference between the gain and loss is done through their account. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are just one example of how contracts for differences can be used to trade a variety of assets and securities (ETFs). The price movements of commodity futures contracts, such as those for crude oil and corn, will also be used by traders to speculate on the price movements of these products. Futures contracts are standardized agreements or contracts that obligate the parties to buy or sell a specific asset at a predetermined price on a specific date in the future.

Even though contracts for difference (CFDs) allow investors to trade the price movements of futures, they are not futures contracts in their own right. CFDs do not have expiration dates or predetermined prices; instead, they trade like other securities with buy and sell prices, just like other securities. Over-the-counter (OTC) contracts for difference (CFDs) are traded through a network of brokers who organize market demand and supply for CFDs and set prices accordingly. That is, CFDs are not traded on major exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange or the London Stock Exchange (NYSE). The contract for difference (CFD) is a tradable contract between a client and a broker in which the parties exchange the difference between the price of the trade when it is initiated and the price of the trade when it is unwound or reversed.

CFD Trading Scams

Advantages of CFD trading

Trades in CFDs provide traders with all of the benefits and risks associated with owning a security without having to actually own the security or take physical delivery of the asset in question. CFDs are traded on margin, which means that the broker allows investors to borrow money in order to increase leverage or the size of their position in order to increase their profits significantly. Before allowing this type of transaction, brokers will require traders to maintain specific account balances in order to facilitate the transaction. Margin trading is the practice of borrowing money to trade on margin. When compared to traditional trading, CFDs typically offer greater leverage. Leverage can be as low as a 2 percent margin requirement and as high as a 20 percent margin requirement in the CFD market, according to industry standards. For traders, lower margin requirements translate into lower capital outlays and higher potential returns for their investments.

Disadvantages of CFD trading

It is possible that the spread between the bid and ask prices will be significant if the underlying asset experiences extreme volatility or price fluctuations. Paying a large spread on CFD entries and exits makes it impossible to profit from small movements in the market, reducing the number of winning trades while increasing the number of losing trades. Because the CFD industry is not heavily regulated, the credibility of a broker is determined by the broker’s reputation and financial viability. The United States is unable to offer CFDs as a result of this restriction. Because CFDs are traded using leverage, investors who are in a losing position may receive a margin call from their broker, which means that additional funds must be deposited to bring the losing position back into the black. Although CFDs can be used to increase profits, they can also be used to increase losses, and traders run the risk of losing their entire investment if they do not use caution. A trader will also be charged a daily interest rate if money is borrowed from a broker in order to execute a trade with that money.

Forex graph


Spreads are the difference between a buying rate and a selling rate at any given moment. A great example of spreads is with buying foreign currency, where there’s a difference between the amount you pay for each, let’s say, Euro you buy and the amount you get for each Euro you sell. The broker will tell you that these spreads are ‘tight’ and ‘competitive,’ meaning that the difference in price between buying and selling is supposed to be small.

Well, ‘supposed to be’ is the key phrase here. That is because when they say ‘competitive,’ they mean that the rates are low compared to what others are offering. However, many of these websites are actually owned by the same company, so there’s no real competition here. Competing brokers also coordinate spreads sometimes, just like a cartel, making ‘competitive’ no more than a pair of hollow words.

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    Binary Options

    Remember this infamous term from a few years ago? Binary options used to be a win-or-lose offer provided by an online broker. You bet on whether a situation does or does not happen. For example, you can bet that by 9 PM today, Bitcoin’s rate will reach and cross the $52,000 mark. It sounds very attractive, mainly because it sounds very simple with no fine print.

    This used to be popular among investors, but it isn’t anymore because it’s illegal in most places around the world, and you can guess why (hint: it has to do with a whole lot of scams and frauds). Victims reported that the crooks had found very creative ways to avoid paying, especially with the help of contracts containing a lot of fine print. There’s a reason why many former owners of these binary options brands are currently sitting in prison or had done time in the past. In financial terms, binary options are financial options that, if the contract is held until expiration, have one of two payoff options: either a fixed amount or nothing at all. That is why they are referred to as binary options: because there is no other way to settle the trade. As a result, it is one of the most straightforward financial assets to trade, with traders placing trades based on whether they believe the answer is yes or no. Because of its simplicity, it has gained widespread acceptance among traders and newcomers to the financial markets. Even though binary options appear to be simple, traders should thoroughly understand how they work, what markets and time frames they can trade with binary options, the advantages and disadvantages of using these products, and which companies are legally permitted to provide binary options to residents of the United States of America.

    men trying to hack

    Binary options traded outside of the United States are typically structured in a different way than binary options traded on U.S. markets. When it comes to speculation or hedging, binary options can be a viable option—but only if the trader fully understands the two possible outcomes of these exotic options before engaging in the transaction. Binary options are a type of trading that allows you to trade markets with limited risk and limited profit potential, and they are based on a yes or no proposition. Binary options are traded on the Nadex exchange, which was the first legal binary options exchange in the United States. Nadex, also known as the North American Derivatives Exchange, provides its own browser-based binary options trading platform, which traders can access through either a demo account or a real-money trading account. Real-time charts, as well as direct market access to current binary option prices, are available on the trading platform’s interface. In addition, binary options are available through the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) (CBOE). Traders who have a brokerage account that is approved for options trading can trade CBOE binary options through their traditional trading account. Binary options trading, on the other hand, is not available from all brokers.

    If you would like to know more about these terms, what they are, what are the dangers of the scams affiliated with them, and much more – reach out to our customer care team and they will happily provide you with insightful information! 

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