4 Crypto Scams to Be Aware Off During Recent Times

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One of the biggest issues going on in the cryptocurrency world are scams happening everywhere! There is a huge rise in reported cryptogams, and people have lost a lot of their investments this way. If you are someone who wants to keep yourself safe from such scams, then you need to be aware of the kind of scams happening out there.

The world of cryptocurrency is functioning at a very fast pace, and it has had an impact on the world. People out there, including retail investors, institutional investors, speculators, and many others, are always turning to cryptocurrency to double their investments. Now, we all agree that cryptocurrency has helped a lot of people out there earn money; however, it does come with a chunk of cons as well. 

One of the biggest issues going on in the cryptocurrency world are scams happening everywhere! There is a huge rise in reported cryptogams, and people have lost a lot of their investments this way. If you are someone who wants to keep yourself safe from such scams, then you need to be aware of the kind of scams happening out there. We have made a list of the top 4 crypto scams you need to be aware of. Have a look at them down below, and make sure to keep yourself safe from them! 

Crypto-Social Engineering Scams 

These scams are on the rise and do not seem to come to an end. Social engineering scams are the ones where scammers make use of psychological manipulation and make you give important and private information to them regarding your accounts. These types of scams happen when the scammer is pretending to be someone they are not.

For example, they may pretend to be a well-known business entity, someone from a trusted government agency, tech support, and more. Not to add, these scams can also be done by any member of your community or your friend. Scammers know exactly how to make you trust them and work in a way that you fall into their trap. 

They work from an angle or make you gain their trust. Once done, they will manipulate you into giving them important information regarding your account, which will give them access to it or, at times, will make you send money to their digital wallet. If you ever feel like someone is asking you a bit too much information regarding your crypto account, be attentive and never give anything in the flow. This is nothing but a scam, and in the end, you are the one who is going to lose everything. 

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    Fake Website Scams

    Fake website scams are quite popular as well. These scams happen when the scammer creates a fake cryptocurrency website or a new fake version of official crypto wallets in order to trick their victims. Moreover, the names of these websites are slightly different from the names of the original ones so that people do not get suspicious at all. These websites look similar to the real ones, and it is really hard for someone to tell any difference. This is one of the major reasons it is really hard to tell the difference between the two. 

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    investing to crypto currency

    Fake crypto websites operate in different ways. Now, the first one is through phishing pages. What happens is that when you add all your key information, which includes your crypto wallet password, recovery phrase, as well as other financial information, all of this is visible to the scammer. Another thing they do is that the site allows you to withdraw a very small amount of money. When your investments perform well, you can invest more money in a fake website. Now, when you want to withdraw your money, the website declined the request and shuts down as well. 

    Investment and Business Opportunity Scams 

    Whenever you feel like something is too good to be true, you must trust your gut feeling because it is probably fake. Then the same goes for investment or business opportunity scams in the world of cryptocurrencies. There are a huge number of profit-seeking speculators who get in touch with scammers who are willing to guarantee the returns.

    They make the victim believe that once they invest the money through them in the cryptocurrency market, they are going to be successful. Next, they ask the victim to invest a huge amount of money which is completely unnecessary. 

    In the beginning, these scammers make sure to do anything in the world to make you trust them. They provide you with fake proofs, fake documents, and so much more. Once you have invested the amount, they will turn their backs, and you won’t be able to find them at all. Moreover, they will make sure that you cannot track them.

    These people are experts in this and know exactly how to scam others. They know what documents to give and whatnot. When you are dealing with such people, you need to make sure to do your research carefully. 

    Fake Celebrity Endorsements

    A lot of people fall into these scams. What happens is that crypto scammers pose as or even claim endorsements from famous celebrities, influencers, or business people out there, such as Elon Musk. They do this in order to catch the attention of their targets. Next, they sell fake cryptocurrencies that do not even exist under celebrities’ names. If someone is a fan of the celebrity, then they tend to invest in it.

    At times, people also invest since it seems to them that if a celebrity is endorsing it, then it must be legit; however, in reality, that is never the case. These scams can happen when scammers make brochures, pay for ads on different social media channels, fake websites, and so much more. You need to be careful if someone asks you to invest this way. 

    one holding a 50 dollar bill and a bitcoin for another

    Image by: https://immediate.net/

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